

I would like to go to Spain because i like the way their accent sounds and its a really nice place.

External Flash Worksheet

When would you use external flash? You use this when its dark or the lightning is too low. Do you need to meter the light if you use flash? Yes, you do. What does flash synchronization mean? It matches the flash firing with the shutter opening in camera. What does ETTL mean? Evaluative through the lens. What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed? The image will come out dark and will have uneven exposure. Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser? so it can soften the light. What is a slave? A slave is something that you connect to the camera for the flash. What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light? you should check your iso and if its high lower it or use a faster shutter speed.


100 most influential images of all time

The three most compelling photographs that I picked are Edward Steichen, David Jackson, and Lieutenant Charles levy. Edward Steichen took photo #50 I choose this one because it looks fake like edited almost. I chose photo #25 because it doesn’t sugar coat anything and because you can see through the photo the emotion. The last photo I picked was photo #9 I choose it because it looks so cool and edited like I’ve also seen it many times on different places.


The big difference between JPEG and RAW is that JPEG files are format that compress an image to make the file smaller, RAW keeps all the uncompressed and unprocessed image data it’s just a large file filled with the image data as it was took. Between RAW and JPEG, RAW files are bigger. Yes, u can change a RAW file to a JPEG to do this you can open and edit it on a software such as adobe which lets you process the RAW file then edit and export. If I were shooting for an important event, I would use RAW because it has more file space and I would be able to take more pictures, and my pictures would still be a good quality.

Portrait photography tips

  1. choose the right clothing for the shoot
  2. Use natural poses and expressions
  3. experiment with the lighting
  4.  get out comfort zone
  5. have props
  6. take multiple photos
  7. use the right aperture and settings
  8. choose location wisely
  9. check weather before
  10. play with eye contact